Living history is an important teaching tool that allows us to experience the past in the present. At Roanoke Island Festival Park, being a historic interpreter requires a particular set of skills. Our interpreters depict the sailors, soldiers, and artisans from the original 1585 military expedition to Roanoke Island. They must be well versed in 16th century history, demonstrate and teach various trades, and safely perform historic firearms demonstrations for our guests.
Our interpreters receive continuous training and certifications throughout their career to make sure our historic demonstrations go off without a hitch. Safety procedures and historical accuracy are skills that are honed through the North Carolina Historic Sites training programs.
Artillery Training & Certification Recap

Several of the park’s historic interpreters took a field trip in November 2021 to join their fellow N.C. Historic Site interpreters for an artillery training and certification program. This three day event began at our sister site at Fort Macon in Atlantic Beach, N.C. and ended with a live range drill at Camp Lejeune.
The training workshops included safety information on how to properly fire, maintain, and transport historic artillery. Other classes involved historic information including proper clothing, terminology, and interpretive techniques. Participants were then able to practice their training on 18th century weapons such as the swivel gun.
Our interpreters enjoyed talking shop with fellow interpreters and were able to take the information they learned and modify it to work with our 16th century demonstrations. We look forward to showcasing these artillery demonstrations with our guests during our 2022 season.
Visit the park to view our small arm demonstrations in the Settlement Site and sling gun firing on the Elizabeth II ship throughout the year. Follow our website for upcoming demonstrations and make sure to view our popular small arms demo on Youtube.